Kaspersky Security Center

Installing applications using a remote installation task

23 de maio de 2024

ID 6385

Kaspersky Security Center Linux allows you to install applications on devices remotely, using remote installation tasks. Those tasks are created and assigned to devices through a dedicated Wizard. To assign a task to devices more quickly and easily, you can specify devices in the Wizard window in one of the following ways:

  • Selecionar os dispositivos na rede detectados pelo Servidor de Administração. In this case, the task is assigned to specific devices. The specific devices can include devices in administration groups as well as unassigned devices.
  • Especificar endereços de dispositivos manualmente ou importar endereços de uma lista. You can specify DNS names, IP addresses, and IP subnets of devices to which you want to assign the task.
  • Atribuir a tarefa a uma seleção de dispositivos. In this case, the task is assigned to devices included in a selection created earlier. You can specify the default selection or a custom one that you created.
  • Atribuir tarefa a um grupo de administração. In this case, the task is assigned to devices included in an administration group created earlier.

For correct remote installation on a device with no Network Agent installed, the following ports must be opened: a) TCP 139 and 445; b) UDP 137 and 138. By default, these ports are opened on all devices included in the domain. They are opened automatically by the remote installation preparation utility.

In this section

Installing an application on specific devices

Installing applications on secondary Administration Servers

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